Michael Lynch, M.S., RDN, RCEP, CDE, CHWC
Michael truly loves connecting with his patients. It’s his favorite part of his work. Michael empathizes with the challenges of living with a chronic disease as he has lived with Type 1 diabetes for 29 years. From his experience he is attuned to the challenges of how one may feel and function on a day-to-day basis and the effects this may have on our daily living and life goals. Michael applies his personal and professional knowledge to assists those he works with to a greater state of health, well-being, and happiness.
Michael has multiple university degrees and professional certifications in the health sciences. Michaels’ unique background, education and training was designed to understand human health and behavior to better assist other’s in improving well-being and performance. Michael is well-versed in nutrition, exercise and metabolism, and currently serves as the only Registered Dietitian Nutritionist & Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologists in the state of Washington. However, as a Type 1 diabetic and a Certified Diabetes Educator Michael considers his specialty to be diabetes management and blood sugar control. Michael has passion for each of his professional areas of study and is a regional and national leader and contributor in the fields of nutrition, exercise, diabetes, and behavior modification.
Published Articles
Michael is a proud and happy father. The health, well-being, and happiness of his daughter is his highest priority. Together they live an active and healthy lifestyle with lots of play, fresh air, fresh food, and trips to the dog park with their dog Roger (seen here).
Michael says “providing my daughter healthy and yummy food that she enjoys brings such joy to my heart.”
Michael loves applying his knowledge and experience in children’s nutrition towards developing healthy eating habits for all children that will last a lifetime!